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1 to 10 of 19 Results
Oct 31, 2023
MA, Aifang, 2023, "Sanctions of Chinese Internet Firms from 2 February 2015 to 31 December 2020", https://doi.org/10.21410/7E4/MWAJOL, data.sciencespo, V2, UNF:6:Qz9yaA9CYZ81ogwXfRUeFA== [fileUNF]
This database contains the administration and judicial sanctions against Chinese private internet firms from 2 February 2015 to 31 December 2020.
Oct 4, 2023
MA, Aifang, 2023, "Geographical distribution of the top 100 internet firms 2013-2022", https://doi.org/10.21410/7E4/PWQ6WF, data.sciencespo, V1, UNF:6:qZf3M6t/OZTe00q5/FYXOg== [fileUNF]
This database contains the geographical distribution of the top 100 internet firms in China from 2013 to 2022. It informs of the number of top 100 internet firms that each province and provincial-level municipality have created.
Oct 4, 2023
MA, Aifang, 2023, "China Internet Regulations 1987-2022", https://doi.org/10.21410/7E4/R6NLOH, data.sciencespo, V1
This database contains 473 laws, policies, and administrative decisions that the Chinese government has adopted from 1987 to 2022. It also informs of the year-on-year adoption of the content regulation in this period.
Jul 6, 2021
Morales, Laura; Vintila, Daniela; Geese, Lucas; Mügge, Liza; van der Pas, Daphne; van de Ward, Marc, 2021, "Codebook and data collection guidelines of work package 1 on descriptive political representation in regional parliaments of the project Pathways to Power", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/KZMOAM, N/A
Codebook of work package 1 on descriptive political representation in regional parliaments of the project Pathways to Power
This Dataset is harvested from Harvard Dataverse (https://dataverse.harvard.edu). Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data.
Jul 6, 2021
Visconti, Francesco, 2021, "Intercoder Reliability Scores - Overall Project", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/FEJJNC, N/A
This report provides detailed information about the reliability procedures and tests used to ensure that coders reliably captured the information required for the ResponsiveGov project.
This Dataset is harvested from Harvard Dataverse (https://dataverse.harvard.edu). Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data.
Jul 6, 2021
Sabaté, Oriol; Gava, Roy; Morales, Laura, 2021, "ResponsiveGov Banking Regulation Policy Juncture Case Definition and Country Coding Notes", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/SRGWD8, N/A
This dataset contains the documents describing how the policy case was defined and prepared before coding started, as well as the coding notes provided by each country coder.
This Dataset is harvested from Harvard Dataverse (https://dataverse.harvard.edu). Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data.
Jul 6, 2021
Lühiste, Maarja; Morales, Laura; Bernardi, Luca; Bischof, Daniel; Sabaté, Oriol; Visconti, Francesco, 2016, "ResponsiveGov's Codebook and Appendices", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/PINCO4, Morales, Laura, UNF:6:wIfV9HEyxkYtEGXMcITAdQ== [fileUNF]
Codebook and Appendices of the ResponsiveGov project
This Dataset is harvested from Harvard Dataverse (https://dataverse.harvard.edu). Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data.
Jul 6, 2021
Kucaba, Katarzyna; Rodriguez, Elisa; Morales, Laura; Cinalli, Manlio; Devadason, Ranji; Eggert, Nina; Jacobs, Dirk; Jorba, Laia; Myrberg, Gunnar; Nasri, Foued; Pilati, Katia; Ramos, Rosa Marcela; Ros, Virginia; Thys, Rebecca; Váradi, Luca; Zakariás, Ildikó, 2016, "LOCALMULTIDEM and MDE Organisational Survey (WP3) Dataset, 2003-2010", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/I27TAR, N/A, UNF:6:KulDKhxCz56NB5vVTagoaA== [fileUNF]
This study contains the data collected through Workpackage 3 of the Localmultidem project and through other related sister projects that formed part of the Multicultural Democracy in Europe (MDE) research network. It also contains the documentation (questionnaires, codebook, etc....
This Dataset is harvested from Harvard Dataverse (https://dataverse.harvard.edu). Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data.
Jul 6, 2021
Vintila, Daniela; Morales, Laura, 2021, "Excel data collection template of work package 1 on descriptive political represention in regional parliaments of the project Pathways to Power", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/IQEBLA, N/A
This is the data collection template for regional parliaments produced in the context of the project "Pathways to Power: The Political Representation of Citizens of Immigrant Origin in Seven European Democracies". It is made available for the purposes of future data collection of...
This Dataset is harvested from Harvard Dataverse (https://dataverse.harvard.edu). Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data.
Jul 6, 2021
Morales, Laura; Vintila, Daniela; Geese, Lucas; Mügge, Liza; van der Pas, Daphne; van de Wardt, Marc, 2017, "Codebook and data collection guidelines of work package 1 on descriptive political representation in national parliaments of the project Pathways to Power", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/MRKJJF, N/A
Codebook of work package 1 on descriptive political representation in national parliaments of the project Pathways to Power
This Dataset is harvested from Harvard Dataverse (https://dataverse.harvard.edu). Clicking the link will take you directly to the archival source of the data.
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